miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Próxima parada deep funk 2 junio 16. Comenzamos el viaje con Nick Prade & The Pimptones

Enlace de loa vídeos relaccionados con el programa: Nick Pride and the Pimptones: "It's a love thing"   Hannah Williams and The Tastemakers: "Work it out"   Amp Fiddler: "Dreamin'"   Lefties Soul Connection: "She's not answering"   Sonny Knight & The Lakers: "Juicy Lucy"   Third Coast Kings: "Just move"   Tristan: "MoonTune"

Nick Prade & The Pimptones Lp-Reijuiced phat shakeOk

Nick Prade & The Pimptones: It's a love thing", Dojo Cuts: "Mamacita", Hannah Williams & The Taste Makers: "Work it out", Amp Fiddler: "Dreamin", Martha High & The Speedometer: "Lovelight", Lefties Soul Connection: "She's not ans wering", Sonny Knight & The Lakers: "Juicy Lucy", Third Coast Kings: "Just move", Mr. President: "Hips shaking", Tristan: "Moontume", The Impellers: "You did it", AJ & The Jiggawatts: "Get wild", Blaxound: "Bounce deep" y "Trying to get over"

Este es el enlace de la playlist del programa en la plataforma Spotify

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